Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Works Festival

Edmonton Alberta Canada Summer The Works Art Festival

This photo was taken at The Works Festival in Edmonton, AB Canada. The festival attracts artists and patrons from all over the world. It provides an opportunity for artists to display their work and participate in events. 
The photo is of a canvas that was stretched over and archway that marked the exit of the area. Artists were permitted to draw on the canvas using sharpie markers. The canvas is very large. I would guess about 14 feet high and about 40 feet wide. In order to take this photo I actually had to segment it up into 4 different shots and then stitch them together using Hugin. I decided to black out the area around the canvas so that you wouldn't be distracted by the surroundings.  I did not witness the artists that drew on this canvas but there were artists working on a similar canvas at the entrance and most of them seemed fairly young. If any of the artists that helped create this canvas see this post I would just like to say to you, "Excellent work". 

The Works is the first of many festivals that are held in Edmonton over the summer. It is held every year giving visitors a chance to see some great art and artists. If you get the chance check it out. 

The Works - June 21 to July 3 2012 Churchill Square, Edmonton, AB Canada

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